COVID-19 Engagements

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, Augusta’s livestreams and upcoming engagements are listed below.

Upcoming Livestreams


May 24 at 11am PDT (US), 2pm EDT (US), 8pm CET (France)

Special online concert with Voices of Music

Bach: Ciaccona
Telemann: Fantasy No. 5
Paganini: Caprice No. 2
and a surprise encore

Past Livestreams


May 11

Premiere of Guilleman Caprice with Voices of Music

Guillemain: Caprice No. 12 


May 3 at 3pm EDT (US), 8pm BST (UK)

Recital Stream presents Augusta McKay Lodge

Bach: Chaconne from Partita No. 2 in D minor BWV 1004
Massenet: Méditation from Thaïs


Latest Interviews

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Sticky Notes Podcast w/ Joshua Weilerstein
What is Historical Performance? With Augusta McKay Lodge

Have you ever wondered what the real differences are between modern and historical performance? Why do historical performances sound so different from modern ones? This week, we take a deep dive into historical performance with the baroque violinist Augusta McKay Lodge. We talk the differences in the sound worlds between modern and historical performance, and also try to resolve the "Cold War" between modern and historical performers. This was a truly fascinating interview, so I hope you'll enjoy it!


Violin Podcast w/ Eric Mrugala
Episode 3 - Augusta McKay Lodge

Augusta McKay Lodge comes on to the Violin Podcast this week to discuss her life as a Baroque violinist, her competition years, and what it means to be a musician in the year 2020.
